BergaMonte® (Bergamot Polyphenolic Fraction®) is a widely researched, patented extract derived from Citrus bergamia, a citrus fruit that is postulated to be a hybrid of lemon and bitter orange. Citrus bergamia trees blossom during the winter, and the fruit has a taste that is mildly sour but even more bitter than grapefruit. BergaMonte® contains a unique composition of flavonoids and glycosides, including neohesperidin, neodesmin, naringin, rutin, and others.

The medicinal compounds in BergaMonte® make it a potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, cholesterol-enhancing component of MPA HeartSolve. It also appears to have strong protective/restorative effects on the liver, making it even more pertinent for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.

If you’re looking to lower your cholesterol naturally and control blood glucose, BergaMonte®  is a must. Read on to learn more about how this ingredient works and why it made the cut for MPA HeartSolve.

Note: If you are currently using a pharmaceutical statin, do not replace it with citrus bergamot without first consulting your doctor.

Research behind BergaMonte®

BergaMonte® is produced by the Italy-based research group H&AD SRL; it is standardized to contain at least 38% flavonoids - a subclass of polyphenols that have a wide range of biological activity in humans. The most prominent flavonoids in BergaMonte® are naringin, melitidine, neohesperidin, brutieridine, rutin, neodesmin, and neoeriocitrin.1

Naringin, Melitidin and Brutieridine - Mother Nature’s Statins

Statins are a class of drugs that work to decrease the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood, by blocking the action of HMG-CoA reductase - an enzyme responsible for synthesizing cholesterol. Research demonstrates that naringin, melitidine, and brutieridine found in BergaMonte®  competitively bind to 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid (HMG), which disrupts the pathway our body’s use to synthesize cholesterol (via mevalonate acid).2

There are also other mechanisms that underlie the cholesterol-supporting properties of citrus bergamot (that are not yet fully understood). Research suggests that flavonoids in BergaMonte® also lower LDL cholesterol by reducing triglyceride accumulation in the liver and by increasing the excretion of bile acids and sterols.3

Why is this so important, you ask? When LDL and VLDL cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides are chronically elevated, the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) increase significantly.4

BergaMonte Significantly Increases HDL Cholesterol and Reduces LDL Cholesterol

After numerous successful trials in animal models, which demonstrated significant reductions in total serum cholesterol, LDL levels (as well as an increase in HDL), and triglycerides, researchers started investigating the potential benefits of citrus bergamot in human patients with hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia (high blood triglycerides and high LDL cholesterol, respectively).

In a rather groundbreaking study, 237 patients with hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, and/or metabolic syndrome were given either 500 mg of BergaMonte, 1000 mg of BergaMonte, or a placebo for 30 days.2 The compelling outcomes are summarized below:

  • BergaMonte® decreased LDL cholesterol by 24% in the 500 mg treatment group
  • BergaMonte® decreased total cholesterol by 21% in the 500 mg treatment group
  • BergaMonte® decreased triglycerides by 30% in the 500 mg treatment group
  • BergaMonte® decreased glucose level by 19% in the 500 mg treatment group
  • BergaMonte® decreased LDL cholesterol by 36% in the 1000 mg treatment group
  • BergaMonte® decreased total cholesterol by 29%in 1000 mg treatment group
  • BergaMonte® decreased triglycerides by 38% in the 1000 mg treatment group
  • BergaMonte® decreased glucose level by 22% in 1000 mg treatment group

Just as importantly, there were zero reported side effects during this study. Given these findings, BergaMonte® is generously dosed at 500 mg per serving alongside the heart-health ingredients in MPA HeartSolve.

Antidiabetic and Liver-Restoring Properties of Citrus Bergamot

Both naringenin and naringin (specific flavanones found in a variety of citrus fruits, especially citrus bergamot) have a variety of metabolic and antioxidant properties in humans. Studies have shown that naringin and naringenin improve nutrient partitioning/insulin sensitivity and attenuate dyslipidemia in obese and type-2 diabetic patients.5,6 Naringin also appears to stimulate the production of adiponectin, a lipokine which aids in the breakdown of fat cells.

In a different study that examined 107 patients with confirmed non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) disease, citrus bergamot extract significantly improved all physiological markers and radiological imagery characteristics of NAFL disease in 120 days (without any notable side effects).

What Makes BergaMonte® better than Generic Citrus Bergamot

Of the vast research pertaining to citrus bergamot extract, a large majority of the studies have been done using BergaMonte®. MPA HeartSolve includes patented BergaMonte® to ensure you get only the purest, safest, and most effective form of Citrus bergamia extract.

Be aware that many of the generic extracts of citrus bergamot contain paltry amounts of bioactive ingredients and will likely produce no notable effect. You are ultimately short-changing your health by choosing a product that doesn’t have the proper form of citrus bergamot extract - BergaMonte®.

If you’re looking for an effective dose of patented BergaMonte®, your best bet is MPA HeartSolve.


  2. Mollace, V., Sacco, I., Janda, E., Malara, C., Ventrice, D., Colica, C., ... & Rotiroti, D. (2011). Hypolipemic and hypoglycaemic activity of bergamot polyphenols: from animal models to human studies. Fitoterapia, 82(3), 309-316.
  3. Di Donna, L., Iacopetta, D., Cappello, A. R., Gallucci, G., Martello, E., Fiorillo, M., ... & Sindona, G. (2014). Hypocholesterolaemic activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl flavanones enriched fraction from bergamot fruit (Citrus bergamia):“In vivo” studies. Journal of Functional Foods, 7, 558-568.
  4. Armstrong, V. W., Cremer, P., Eberle, E., Manke, A., Schulze, F., Wieland, H., ... & Seidel, D. (1986). The association between serum Lp (a) concentrations and angiographically assessed coronary atherosclerosis: dependence on serum LDL levels. Atherosclerosis, 62(3), 249-257.
  5. Quispe, R., Martin, S. S., & Jones, S. R. (2016). Triglycerides to high-density lipoprotein–cholesterol ratio, glycemic control and cardiovascular risk in obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, 23(2), 150-156.
  6. Li, J. M., Che, C. T., Lau, C. B., Leung, P. S., & Cheng, C. H. (2006). Inhibition of intestinal and renal Na+-glucose cotransporter by naringenin. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 38(5-6), 985-995.